Hudson Highlands Environmental Consulting


Hudson Highlands Environmental Consulting can prepare environmental impact assessments for land development projects according to the criteria established by the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) or by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

Environmental Assessment Forms (EAF)

SEQRA requires that all development proposals initially analyze the potential environmental impact of the proposed project through the preparation of and Environmental Assessment Form (EAF). Typically, the level of analysis required for an EAF is moderate, providing only sufficient information for a Lead Agency, such as a Planning Board, to make a determination that the project is or is not likely to cause an adverse impact upon the environment. In some cases, a lead agency may request a more detailed level of analysis at this stage if the issues are relatively limited, and they wish to avoid a more protracted review. Should the lead agency determine that the project does not pose a significant threat to the environment, the agency will issue a Negative Declaration, and the SEQRA process is concluded. Should the lead agency determine that the project does pose a significant threat to the environment, the agency will issue a Positive Declaration, and will require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)

The preparation of an environmental impact statement is much more detailed than an EAF. Should one be required by a Lead Agency, the process will begin with a Scoping Session, during which the Lead Agency will determine which issues are to be examined within the EIS. In each of these areas, the EIS will evaluate the existing conditions, and assess the potential environmental impact which may result from the proposed action. These areas of concern may include the following:

  • Geology
  • Topography
  • Soils
  • Groundwater Resources
  • Surface Water Resources
  • Flood Zones
  • Vegetation
  • Wetlands
  • Wildlife
  • Transportation/Traffic
  • Land Use
  • Socioeconomics
  • Municipal Services
  • Municipal Fiscal
  • Conditions
  • Schools
  • Sewerage
  • Demographics
  • Scenic Resources
  • Cultural Resources
  • Alternatives

As part of the impact assessment analysis, recommendations can be made for modifications to the final plan to mitigate identified adverse impacts and overcome community objections.

Hudson Highlands Environmental Consulting will also provide representation at meetings and public hearings as required.