Hazardous Waste Investigator
Mr. Martin C. Wodka has been responsible for the performance of environmental assessments at over 1,000 industrial/commercial properties, including chemical and plastic manufacturers, trucking facilities, abandoned power utilities, petroleum storage and distribution properties, and commercial office/warehouse complexes. These assessments were focused on the identification of environmental liabilities associated with the properties and on compliance with applicable federal and state environmental regulations. A majority of these assessments were conducted at the request of financial and legal institutions to determine risks and unforeseen liabilities associated with property transfers and acquisitions.
Primary services offered by this consortium member can be found on the following page (click on link):
Environmental Site Assessments
Syracuse University, MS/Sanitary Engineering 1981
Syracuse University, BS/Environmental Engineering 1979
- Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
- Confined Space Entry and Attendant Training
- Lead in Construction Awareness Training
Real Estate Transaction Assessments: Project manager for performance of audits at more than 1000 sites to determine the potential for on-site contamination that may pose environmental risks and result in unforeseen financial liabilities associated with industrial/commercial property transactions.
Hazardous Waste/Underground Storage Tanks: Conducted environmental investigations at suspected hazardous waste sites and underground storage tank facilities for major chemical and petroleum industry clients. Activities have included design and implementation of field investigations, evaluation of remedial options, and regulatory contact and consultation.
Conducted underground storage tank testing program at New York City wastewater treatment facility. Work included review of bid proposals, coordination of activities with state and local regulatory agencies, subcontractor oversight, and preparation of summary report.
Supervised removal of fuel oil storage tanks at a New York City wastewater treatment facility. Responsible for soliciting competitive bids and project oversight, including coordination with state and local regulatory agencies; removal and disposal of residual product; tank excavation, cleaning, and disposal; and treatment and sampling of petroleum-contaminated soil sampling and treatment.
Participated in litigation proceedings concerning closure of C & D Landfill.
Environmental Consultant Services During Construction: Site Manager, providing health and safety construction oversight and environmental consulting services for the New York City Department of Environmental Protection Sludge Dewatering Construction Projects at the Wards Island and Oakwood Beach Water Pollution Control Plants. Health and Safety responsibilities included development and implementation of health and safety programs, air quality monitoring during construction, determining if work can continue based on the established OSHA and NIOSH exposure guidelines, and recommendation of mitigative actions to allow work to proceed in the presence of hazardous materials sampling. Hazardous materials management services include liaison services between NYCDEP and NYSDEC, development and implementation of sampling programs and remedial action plans, to address the decommissioning and removal of underground storage tanks (USTs), asbestos, lead paints, PCB wastes, and other hazardous materials. Assigned, trained and supervised field staff, developed database management programs, and prepared monthly progress reports for Resident Engineer.
Soil Gas Survey: Played a key role in the development of a state-of-the-art soil vapor sampling program which is utilized to quickly and cost effectively evaluate the presence and extent of selected volatile organic compounds. The technique rapidly generates high quality data which has been used for risk assessments, health and safety evaluations, and as a basis for further hydrogeologic investigations.
Conducted over 70 soil gas investigations in support of remedial activities at oil terminals, landfills, ECRA sites, military installations, USEPA Superfund sites, and in support of real estate transactions.
Data Base Management: Organized and compiled bulk storage tank data base for major New York State utility based on CBS, PBS, and federal UST regulations. Developed hazardous spill response procedures/reporting criteria according to SARA, CERCLA, TSCA, and CBS/PBS regulations.
Wodka, M.C.; Effler, S.W.; Driscoll, C.T; and Devan, S.P. “Upward Ransport of Phosphorus in Onondaga Lake, New York.” Journal of Environ¬mental Engineering (Div. ASCE), 1983, 109(6): 1403-1415.
Effler, S.W.; Driscoll, C.T.; Wodka, M.W.; Honstein, R.L.; and Jaran, P. “Interaction Between Industrial Pollution and Phosphorus Cycling in Onondaga Lake, New York.” Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 1985, 24: 121-132.
Wodka, M.C.; Effler S.W.; and Driscoll, C.T “Phosphorus Deposition from the Epilimnion of Onondaga Lake.” Limnology and Oceanography, 1985, 30(4): 833-843.
Effler, S.W.; Wodka, M.C.; and Field, S.D. “Scattering and Absorption of Light in Onondaga Lake, New York.” Journal of Environmental Engineering (Div. ASCE), 1985, 110(3): 1134- 1145.
Martin, S.C.; Effier, S.W.; DePinto, J.V.; Trama, EB.; Rodgers, P.W.; and Wodka, M.C. “Dissolved Oxygen Model for a Dyanamic Reservoir.” Journal of Environmental Engineering (Div. ASCE), 1985, 114(4): 714-721.
Effler, S.W.; Wodka, M.C.; Driscoll, C.T.; Brooks, C.; Perkins, M.G.; and Owens, E.M. “Entrainment-Based Flux of Phosphorus in Onondaga Lake, New York.” Journal of Environmental Engineering (Div. ASCE), 1986, 112(3): 617-622.
Wodka, M.C.; and Avnimelech, Y. Annual Water Quality Report for the Kishon Reservoir, Haifa, Israel. Departmental Publication, Agricultural Engineering, Technion University, Israel, 1987.